What is egg donation?

Thanks to the egg donation program at the IFCR, some couples have the hope of becoming families.

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Why donate?

Most couples can have children naturally. However, other couples are not that lucky, despite deeply wanting to experience pregnancy and give birth to their child.

Thanks to the egg donation program at the IFCR, some couples have the hope of becoming families. Egg donation makes it possible to build a future with a child in the transmission of love, values ​​and family history; a bond that goes beyond the biological


What is egg donation?

Egg donation is an anonymous and generous gesture in which a woman donates eggs (donor) to another woman who is unable to have children naturally (recipient).

The egg or oocyte is the female reproductive cell and is found in the ovary. When a woman is born, her ovaries contain a reserve of approximately 2 million oocytes, a number that gradually decreases with each menstrual cycle.

From puberty, about a dozen eggs develop each month, and only one of them will mature with ovulation, which occurs 2 weeks after menstruation.

Throughout her life, a woman will ovulate about 400 times on average, resulting in about 400-500 eggs, while the rest of the eggs will not develop and disappear naturally.

The donation process involves a controlled hormonal treatment that will allow the dozen developing eggs during a new menstrual cycle to mature, after which they are extracted and used in an in vitro fertilization treatment. More information on the donation process.

The donation is divided into two main stages, preparation and stimulation. This process usually lasts about forty days and requires at least seven visits to our center.

In what cases does a couple need eggs?

Oocytes are donated to couples who cannot have children naturally, either because the woman, even though she is young, has abnormal eggs, or because after treatment for a serious illness she cannot use her eggs.

They can also be donated to couples who are at risk of passing a serious genetic disease to a child.

In any case, medical supervision is essential throughout the process and the receiving couple must be of an age at which pregnancy is considered medically possible.

After collection, the oocytes will be inseminated using an in vitro fertilization procedure.


Do you want to donate? Donate with us

For more information, contact us at 951 20 45 30 or via email at donacion@fertilidadclinicarincon.com.