Quality policy

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The RINCÓN FERTILIDAD laboratory is one of the areas with a specialized technological base in providing integrated Assisted Reproduction services.

The management of RINCÓN FERTILIDAD believes that the quality of its services, based on customer satisfaction and continuous improvement, is the foundation of its proper functioning. It highlights the importance of meeting deadlines and the customer orientation of our services, processes, and reports. We start from the following principles to achieve this:

- Systematic compliance with legal and regulatory requirements affecting the development of our services and activities in assisted human reproduction.

- Commitment to improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, resulting in greater customer satisfaction.

- Ensuring adequate human resources and equipment through technological improvements and continuous training of our human capital.

- Periodic maintenance of our strategies and achievement of the proposed objectives through the planning of all processes in our system.

RINCÓN FERTILIDAD will ensure the achievement of the proposed objectives of the Quality Management System, as well as the correct planning for their accomplishment through periodic monitoring of their progress.

Management ensures that this policy is understood, implemented, and kept up to date at all levels of the company, and expresses its commitment to its definition and dissemination.

Dr. D. Francisco Martínez General Director

July 2019
