Rincón Fertility Institute (RFI) offers a sperm donation program in the Málaga province which serves your needs.


The profile of the donors at our clinic consists of younger than 30 years of age in good physical conditions and good state of health.


How to donate?


To be a semen donor you have to accomplish some very strict seminal characteristics that is why the number of candidates not accepted is be very high. On the other hand once the donation has been made each donor will be selected according to medical criteria which will be compatible with the couple’s characteristics.


If the previous conditions are met a first sample is given and tests are made to verify and to check the semen quality. Also a freezing and defrosting test is made from the specimen as not all of them resist this process. If the quality of the sperm is apt a medical exploration will be carried out to obtain the blood group, his RH factor and to rule out sexually transmitted diseases, as well as those of genetic origin.  In addition; the medical history of the donor’s family is checked to rule out any hereditary diseases being transmitted via donation.


For more detailed information fill out the following questionnaire.